The Awards Criteria

Nominations are now open for this year’s WMB Awards 2024.  Before nominating yourself or someone you know for a WMB Award, please read the awards criteria below to decide which award would be the best fit. 

You can nominate under more than one category but you must fill out a separate nomination application online for each category applied for. We also advise that when completing the application form that you complete your answers offline to ensure that you have a copy saved at all times.

Please ensure that you provide comprehensive responses to each question as it will help when assessing your application. The more information you provide to us, the better understanding we have of your passion for business.

“All of us have the power to change the world.” Amanda Gorman

FTI WMB Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2024

The FTI WMB Female Entrepreneur Award will be presented to a woman who has achieved great results in her own business. She may have extended her business horizons or increased her market base and product range; she will most definitely have improved her bottom line. You can nominate someone you admire or you can self-nominate. Nominations are open to companies and/or individuals based on the island of Ireland.


WMB Empowering Women Award 2024

The WMB Empowering Women Award recognises initiatives put in place by a company (in the private or public sector), university, institute or individual in the wider community, to facilitate and encourage the progression of women in their careers.  These initiatives may include a focus on DE&I programs, mentoring schemes, training supports, networking opportunities and personal development plans. The winner of this Award is proactive in their approach to women in the workforce and actively empowers women to develop and thrive. You can self-nominate. Nominations are open to entities and/or individuals based on the island of Ireland.


FIDELITY WMB Woman in Technology Award 2024

The Fidelity WMB Woman in Technology Award will be presented to a woman who, in your and the judges’ opinions, has contributed to the success of her company and is a role model for others. This Award will be presented for innovation and leadership and the winner will demonstrate aptitude and passion in the technology field.

This category has been created to recognise the immense importance of encouraging more women into careers in technology and STEM. The winner may be an entrepreneur or an employee working at management level in the private or public sector. You can, of course, self-nominate. Nominations are open to companies and/or individuals based on the island of Ireland.


Compass WMB Rising Star Award 2024

This year we are introducing the Rising Star Award in association with Compass Ireland. We all recognise the importance of nurturing and developing new talent. This Award will be presented to a woman who is starting out in her career (i.e. 4 years or less in full-time employment) and who shows promise, passion, commitment and shared company values. Resilience, strength of character and flexibility will set her apart from her peers as she carves out a promising career path.

This is your opportunity as a member of the Management Team, to nominate an employee in your company whose future shines bright. The recipient of this award will also receive coaching from one of Ireland’s leading businesswomen, Dee O’Neill, Managing Director of Compass Group Ireland. Nominations are open to companies based on the island of Ireland.


WMB Businesswoman Award 2024

The WMB Businesswoman Award will be presented to a woman who, in your and the judges’ opinions, has contributed to the success of her company. She may be an entrepreneur or an employee working at management level in the private or public sector. Passion, wisdom, vision and sound business ethics allow her to drive her success. You can, of course, self-nominate. Nominations are open to companies and/or individuals based on the island of Ireland.

Awards Closing Date

Please note that a judging panel decide the final shortlist. A person will be given equal consideration whether they are nominated once or twenty times ( i.e. several nominations do not equal votes). WMB has the right to move an application to a different category if they feel it is more appropriate and/or is in the applicant’s interest. The decision of the Judging committee is final. To find out more about our judges please visit here »