Award Nominations

Nominations are now CLOSED for this year’s WMB Awards 2024.  HOWEVER, if you have already been nominated we will accept full applications on or before close of business on Thursday 8th August, 2024.  Please read the awards criteria to decide which award would be the best fit for you. 

You can complete your nomination application under one or more categories but you must fill out a separate nomination application online for each category applied for.

For previously nominated individuals, please choose the ‘You have been nominated’ option below as this will directed you to the application form for your completion. We advise that when reviewing the questions that you keep a copy of your answers (offline) before commencing the online process.

Please ensure that you provide comprehensive responses to each question as it will help when assessing your application.  The more information you provide to us at this stage of the process, the better understanding we have of your passion for business.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa

Section 1: Background Information
Please choose an option:  Nominating yourself
 Nominating someone else
 You have been nominated
Award Category:
Please tick one Award Category.

If you wish to nominate / be nominated / have been nominated in more than one Category, you should complete a separate application form for submission.
FTI WMB Female Entrepreneur Award 2024
WMB Empowering Women Award 2024
Fidelity WMB Woman in Technology Award 2024
Compass WMB Rising Star Award 2024
WMB Businesswoman Award 2024
Please note the criteria for each award and that applications are open to businesses operating on the Island of Ireland.

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