National Gallery of Ireland Dr. Martina Byrne Appointed to the Board of Governors & Guardians
14th October 2024

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, has appointed Dr Martina Byrne, CEO, Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) to the Board of Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland. The National Gallery of Ireland is one of the country’s most popular visitor attractions housing the nation’s collection of European and Irish art and an extensive Library and Archive. Entry to the collection is free.
Martina Byrne has been a member of the Audience sub-committee of the Board of the National Gallery for five years. The committee works to increase awareness of the collection and the value of the Gallery to a wide range of stakeholders.
Speaking following her appointment Martina said, ‘I’m really honoured, and grateful for the trust and confidence placed in me, to be appointed by Minister Martin to the Board of the National Gallery of Ireland. I’m looking forward to working with fellow Board members, under the Chairmanship of Adrian O’Carroll, and the Executive Leadership team, led by Director Dr Caroline Campbell.
Martina is an experienced leader with over 30 years’ experience working with Irish private and public sector bodies and multinational organisations. She has been Chief Executive of the Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) since 2017 and previously worked as an academic and researcher and in communications and public affairs.
The Board comprises up to seventeen members, of which ten are appointed by the Minister. Members appointed by the Minister serve terms of five years.