Bernard Byrne Appointed Co-Chair of Balance for Better Business
14th October 2024

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD has announced the appointment of Bernard Byrne as Co-Chair of Balance for Better Business (B4BB), an independent review group established by Government six years ago tasked with improving gender balance in senior business leadership in Ireland.
Bernard will succeed outgoing Co-chair Aongus Hegarty and will work closely with sitting Co-chair Carol Andrews, who assumed the position in May 2023, to deliver on B4BB’s strategy focused on advancing gender balance at board and leadership level in businesses across Ireland.
A founding member of the B4BB Review Group in 2018, outgoing Co-chair, Aongus Hegarty, has co-led the initiative for the past three years and helped to successfully drive improvements in gender balance at leadership level in Irish businesses. During his three years as Co-Chair, Ireland’s largest listed public companies reached a milestone figure of 40% average female representation on company boards.
A deeply experienced strategic and commercial leader, incoming Co-chair Bernard Byrne has a successful track record of managing high-growth public, private and semi-state organisations in the finance and utilities sectors. He is a former CEO of Davy and Chair designate of Cairn Homes, one of Ireland’s largest home builders. He was previously CEO of AIB and prior to that Group Finance and Commercial Director at ESB.
A former president of the Banking & Payments Federation Ireland, he brings a wealth of expertise in driving change and implementing transformation at large enterprises.
Commenting on the appointment, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD said: “Gender balance should be a strategic priority for every business. From improved financial performance to increased innovation, prioritising the development of balanced leadership can unlock valuable business benefits that enhance the competitiveness of Irish business. As the incoming Co-chair of the initiative,
Bernard will play a critical role in working with the business community to accelerate change and build a more equitable, diverse and inclusive business ecosystem.
I’d like to thank our outgoing Co-chair, Aongus Hegarty for the integral part he has played in steering the work of the initiative over the past three years. During his term as Co-Chair, Irish businesses made significant progress in gender balance at leadership level, with ISEQ20 companies reaching a milestone of 40% average female representation on company boards. However, there is still more work to do. Over the coming months, I’m looking forward to building on this progress and working together with Co-chair Carol Andrews, Bernard and businesses across the country to drive this important work forward and help every organisation realise the benefits of balanced leadership.”
Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Emer Higgins TD said: “I am pleased to welcome Bernard Byrne to this deeply important role as Co-chair of the Balance for Better Business initiative. Balance for Better Business plays a crucial part in working with the business community to drive gender balanced leadership across every sector of the economy. His appointment will help Irish businesses across the country accelerate progress on their gender balance journey and achieve a more inclusive business ecosystem that truly reflects Irish society.”
Balance for Better Business Co-Chair, Carol Andrews said: “It has been a privilege to co-lead the Balance for Better Business initiative with Aongus and support businesses around the country advance balanced leadership. His work in developing our five-year strategy has been invaluable and he has helped make a lasting impact on the business landscape.
Looking ahead, I’m excited to welcome Bernard Byrne as the new Co-chair of Balance for Better Business. With leadership experience across a range of large public and private organisations, he has the skills and knowledge to help organisations around the country accelerate change and build a more inclusive system of leadership.”
Speaking on his appointment, Bernard Byrne, incoming Balance for Better Business Co-Chair said: “I am delighted to take up my role as Co-Chair of Balance for Better Business and build on the initiative’s success in driving gender balance across Irish business.
Gender balance is a strategic imperative and it’s crucial that we support all organisations, large and small, across every sector of the economy, to realise the benefits of balanced leadership.
I’m looking forward to working closely with my Co-Chair Carol Andrews and the Balance for Better Business review group to help businesses across the country accelerate their gender balance journey.”
Pictured: Carol Andrews, Balance for Better Business Co-Chair; Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD; Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Emer Higgins TD, and Bernard Byrne, incoming Balance for Better Business Co-Chair. (Image © Damien Eagers for Coalesce).