Repak’s 6th Annual Plastic Pledge Report Launched

20th June 2024

Posted In: FYI

Repak announced today that its Plastic Pledge Signatories have successfully been working towards supporting a circular economy for plastic packaging in Ireland.

The announcement was made during the launch of Repak’s sixth annual Plastic Pledge Report, which showcases the accomplishments of those Signatories who have contributed to the 2023 Plastic Pledge report, successfully reducing and eliminating plastic packaging from their operations.

The Plastic Pledge Report measures the impact of the Plastic Pledge initiative on Signatories’ behaviours and design choices, tracking their progress in reducing plastic waste and adopting sustainable packaging solutions.

It highlights the work done by Signatories who have removed significant volumes of plastic from their operations and supply chains.

In 2023, Plastic Pledge Signatories reported an average recycling rate of 72% for plastic packaging at their premises, well above the EU Circular Economy Package recycling targets of 50% by 2025 and 55% by 2030.

The submissions also showed that Signatories achieved an average recycled content of 43% across various projects, with some products attaining 100% recycled plastic content.

Speaking at the launch, Minister of State at the Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform, and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, Ossian Smyth TD, praised the progress made by Repak and its Members: “The plastic pledge reports shows that we are committed to achieving meaningful change in the realm of plastic packaging. The signatures have provided us with the confidence that the challenges presented by plastic packaging can be overcome through our collective efforts.” 

Zoe Kavanagh, CEO of Repak, added: “In 2023, Repak’s Plastic Pledge Signatories made remarkable strides toward fulfilling the ambitious goals of our Plastic Packaging Recycling Strategy 2018-2030. While these advancements are commendable, the road to meeting the future recycling targets for plastic packaging remains challenging. We call on all organisations across Ireland to embrace the exemplary practices outlined in the Plastic Pledge. The commitment of the Signatories to recycling innovation and plastic reduction stands as a beacon of what is possible and should be used as a model for others to follow.

If all organisations in Ireland adopted Repak’s Plastic Pledge, we would achieve our EU Circular Economy targets.”

Repak’s Changemakers: In this year’s report, Repak also spotlights four key ‘Change Makers’ who are leading the way in reducing and removing plastic packaging from their supply chains. These success stories include:

•To Prevent – Lidl moved from a hinged, rigid plastic lid to a lighter film on their pasta pots, reducing weight by 50% and saving 16.5 tonnes.

•To Support – The Culinary Food Group diverted 6 tonnes of plastic box liners from general waste.

•To Simplify – Aldi became the first major retailer to introduce a fully recyclable handwash pump, saving 30 tonnes of packaging per year.

•To Increase- Nestlé redesigned its 2 finger KitKat wrapper to include 80% recycled plastic.

Repak Plastic Pledge Objectives:

•To Prevent: Prioritise the prevention of plastic packaging waste, minimising avoidable single-use packaging and promoting the reuse of packaging.

•To Support: Help Ireland deliver the EU’s plastic recycling targets of 50% by 2025 and 55% by 2030.

•To Simplify: Reduce complexity within the plastic packaging supply chain by simplifying polymer usage and eliminating non-recyclable components by 2030.

•To Increase: Increase the use of plastic packaging with recycled content, supporting the circular economy.

For the full overview of Repak Plastic Pledge Signatory programs completed in 2023 and plans for 2024, please see