TechFoundHer Returns with New Bootcamp

21st March 2023

Posted In: Be In The Frame

TechFoundHer, the collective for female founders of tech startups, is calling on all entrepreneurial women to attend its first Bootcamp taking place in the Mansion House on Tuesday, May 2nd, supported by Dublin City Council.

The goal of the TechFoundHer Bootcamp is to champion female founders from non-tech backgrounds who are involved in creating a tech product or platform for their business and to ultimately increase the number of women founding and leading tech. The Bootcamp aims to address the gap in tech industry knowledge and product development experience.

Supporters already signed up are Aine Kerr (formerly of Kinzen), Mary Mac Sweeney, Deputy Head of Economic Development and Enterprise with Dublin City Council and other veteran female tech founders.

The event will facilitate an inclusive, interactive, social space with a mix of participative workshops, Q&A panels and speakers to support non-tech female founders to become more tech product savvy and equip them with industry know-how to move forward with their tech product or service idea.

The organisation is headed up by ‘Women In Tech’ champions Vicky Twomey-Lee, one of Dublin’s prominent coding community builders and Máirin Murray, co-founder of Tech for Good Dublin and

Máirin said:

“In Ireland, only 16% of tech start-ups have female founders while in Europe only 1.1% of VC funding was raised by all-female founding teams.

The goal of the TechFoundHer Bootcamp is to strengthen the credibility and confidence of non-tech female founders whether they are building a prototype, a minimum viable product, securing funding or assembling technical teams.”

Vicky said: “While the problem is widely recognised the solutions are less well articulated. Since setting up the organisation in 2020, we have had real insights into the challenges facing female founders of tech start-ups from our efforts supporting women in tech networks. In particular the needs of women from non-tech backgrounds who are working on a tech product or platform. We are on a mission to address this problem.”

Tech jargon and language can be a barrier if professional women don’t have a coding background, the TechFoundHer Bootcamp wants female founders to be tech literate – they don’t need to be a coder but need to speak the language and be able to brief and contract software engineers effectively.

The TechFounderHer Community is about building confidence in female founders through building competence in tech product development – everything from the production process and prototyping to briefing coders and getting familiar with tech language and jargon and that confidence and investment will follow.

You can find out more here>>