Celebrating IWD 2023

6th March 2023

Posted In: Be In The Frame

Women and men across the country are celebrating International Women’s Day (#IWD2023). Check out some of the events planned in and around March 8th and take a moment to reflect on the successes, large and small, that you have experienced to date.





In Conversation with the 1st six Female University Presidents

Where: Technology, Society and Innovation Building (TSI), Lecture Theatre 2, Maynooth University Campus

When: Monday, 6 March 2023, 10:30am – 12:30pm GMT

Why:  Celebrating University Leadership

Four years ago there were no female presidents of universities in Ireland. By last year, there were six.

To mark this incredible milestone and in the spirit of International Women’s Day, the President of Maynooth University, Professor Eeva Leinonen, has invited all female Presidents of Irish Universities for a panel discussion about leadership in modern universities.

Find out more here>>


DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality”

Where:  Webcast on UN Women and UN Web TV.

When:   8 March 2023, 10–11.30am EST

Why:     United Nations’ Observance of IWD

Theme: “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality”

Aligned with the priority theme of CSW67, the UN observance of IWD recognizes and celebrates the women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education and curtailing the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities.

The high-level event will be webcast on UN Women and UN Web TV.


Empowering Women to Embrace their Future

Where: No 1 Pery Square, Limerick

When:  Wed, 8 March 2023, 17.00-19.00

Why:    Network Ireland Limerick IWD Event

To mark International Women’s Day on Wednesday, 8th March, CEO & Founder of The Pudding, Gillian Horan joins Susan Walsh, Metis Ireland and Vicki O’Toole, Tola Consultancy for the Network Ireland Limerick event, Empowering Women to Embrace their Future.

This is one of several events planned across Network Ireland branches in and around International Women’s Day and you can find out more here>>



Women in Aviation Networking Event

Where: Shannon Aviation Museum, Shannon, Co. Clare.

When:  Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 16.00-18.00

Why:    Women in Aviation Networking Event celebrating IWD

A Women in Aviation networking event for the Midwest will launch in Shannon to mark International Women’s Day. The industry led initiative will bring women from the aviation industry across the region together, to create synergies and boost collaboration.

The inaugural event is sponsored by the Shannon Airport Group.

Find out more here>>


CreateHER – in conversation with

Where: Druid Theatre Company Flood Street Galway Ireland

When:  Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 18:00 – 20:00 GMT

Why:    Celebrating IWD with CreateHER

Join University of Galway IdeasLab in partnership with Westbic, as they celebrate International Women’s Day with the participants of their first female only undergraduate programme CreateHER.

Lisa Regan, Director LRPR Ltd., will lead a conversation with Dr. Vanessa Creaven Co-founder & CEO at Spotlight Oral Care, Dr. Natalie Walsh Director of Entrepreneurial Development at University of Galway & Mary Ryan Deputy CEO at WestBIC.

Find out more here>>


25th An Cosán IWD Lunch, Join In!

Where:          InterContinental Dublin

When:           Friday March 10th, 12.30pm

Why:              An Cosán 25th IWD Lunch

An Cosán is excited to be hosting its 25th IWD Lunch and hopes you will be able to join in the celebrations! As well as being a highlight of the social calendar, An Cosán’s IWD Lunch is also a crucial opportunity to raise much-needed funds to sustain the enterprise’s mission.

This year’s event will give you the opportunity to hear first-hand how An Cosán is helping bridge the gender digital divide by equipping women, families and communities with digital skills and confidence.

Find out more here>>