Evelyn Moynihan, Kilkenny Group – A Finalist in the WMB Businesswoman Award Category

26th April 2022

Over the coming weeks, we will be introducing you to our WMB Award Finalists.  Ultimately there will be one winner in each of our five Award categories, to be announced at our Conference & Awards on May 16th.  If you’d like to attend our Conference & Awards, you can book now>>

Here, we introduce you to Evelyn Moynihan, Kilkenny Groupa finalist in the WMB Businesswoman Award category.

Title and Company Name

CEO of the Kilkenny Group

Sector & size of operation

Kilkenny Group operates across the retail, hospitality and tourism sectors, and was a €34m revenue operation pre-pandemic

You originally hail from


Single or relationship

Married to Ken, with two children; Jessica (11 years) and Paddy (8 years)

What is the best part of your job

Leading a very talented team of 374 colleagues, and partnering with over 250 suppliers and makers, who represent the best of Irish Craft and Design, to achieve their market potential and delight consumers in Ireland and abroad.

And the most challenging

Recovering revenue post-pandemic, particularly in our tourist based and city-centre locations, and managing to retain our entire team and all business locations.

Your definition of success

To deliver a winning experience for our customers across all of our channels, everyday; the measure of which is their repeat business and our steadily growing market reach.

Best trait

The ability to adapt and change, with a relentless focus on delivering for the customer, which in turn delivers for the business, our team and our suppliers.

Worst trait

Impatience, when change isn’t happening quick enough.

Biggest ‘win’ to date

Digital transformation of the Kilkenny Design offer, into a strong omnichannel offer for customers, at home and abroad, and the introduction of a completely new athleisure range, which contributed to the survival of the brand and business in the past two years.

In the ‘feel good’ stakes, I am delighted to work with Marian O’Gorman, our Chairperson, on the development of Champion Green the ‘support local’ campaign designed to educate consumers on the importance of local economic growth and jobs that their spend can deliver.

Who inspires you most

The passion of the people who work tirelessly to deliver for the Kilkenny Design business; colleagues and suppliers.   I have worked in the retail and FMCG sector all of my career and, I have never been more energised by my colleagues who put their heart and soul into creating and marketing a unique and desirable product that people want to own.

Name two things on your ‘bucket list’

To become more experienced at Yoga, something I have taken up recently and am really enjoying, and to tour Australia with my husband and kids, hopefully in the next 5 years.

What does it mean for you to be a woman in business today?

Being a successful woman in business means having the courage to own who I am, to learn every day, and to back myself.

To be able to leave my comfort zone, to challenge for new thinking, and, most importantly, to create a thriving and positive environment in which my colleagues and our suppliers can prosper and grow.

Best advice to pass on.

Positivity breeds positivity.