Suzanne Moloney, HidraMed Solutions – A Finalist in the Matheson WMB Female Entrepreneur Award Category
28th March 2022

Over the coming weeks, we will be introducing you to our WMB Award Finalists. Ultimately there will be one winner in each of our five Award categories, to be announced at our Conference & Awards on May 16th. If you’d like to attend our Conference & Awards, you can book now>>
Here, we introduce you to Suzanne Maloney of HidraMed Solutions, a finalist in the Matheson WMB Female Entrepreneur Award category.
Title and Company Name
Founder and CEO, HidraMed Solutions
Sector & size of operation
Medical Devices/ MedTech – Small/Micro enterprise
You originally hail from
Dublin – relocated to Galway in 2018 to pursue HidraMed full time!
Single or relationship
I’m dating
What is the best part of your job
Working with an incredible team of people who amaze me every day, and receiving feedback from patients using our products saying it has changed their lives. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.
And the most challenging
There are so many challenges we face every day, I would say the biggest challenge at the moment is scaling up and entering new markets with a product that is very different than typical wound dressings, in a clinical setting where wounds are not usually considered. It requires a lot of education, engagement and persistence!
Your definition of success
Growing the company to capture our key markets and achieve reimbursement in these markets so patients can access the products more readily, and in turn improving people’s lives.
Best trait
I am an optimist and a creative thinker, so I like figuring things out and trying alternative ways to get things done.
Failure in a task is an opportunity to solve the problem another way and I like the challenge.
Worst trait
I can be very stubborn and pig headed sometimes.
Biggest ‘win’ to date
Achieving a listing on the Drug Tariff in the UK, meaning our products are available through the NHS to patients.
Who inspires you most
My parents shaped me and taught me a lot about business and resilience. I am also inspired by Anita Roddick, who was a trailblazer in her time. A lot of her philosophy resonates with me and I work towards “profits with purpose” like she did.
Name two things on your ‘bucket list’
I’d love to go on a cruise!
Setting up a support network and funding opportunity for women in disadvantaged areas, who want to get into business but the risk barriers are too high. I would like eventually to be in a position where I can invest in women, in the people themselves and provide advice, support and funding to get them off the ground and help them achieve their ambitions. I think so many entrepreneurs are not taking a chance on themselves as the risk is too high – i.e. they have families to feed, mortgages and other financial constraints, that holds them back. I do my bit at the moment and help others when I can, but I would love one day to have a fund dedicated to this.
What does it mean for you to be a woman in business today
Honestly, it means a lot of hard work and sacrifice at the start – but I think that applies to everyone starting out.
Great job satisfaction and a tremendous sense of pride that I haven’t felt in other jobs – I feel like I am making a difference and have created something very unique and special.
Best advice to pass on.
Learn resilience and coping skills, and prepare yourself for lots of challenges, and rejections.
Starting a company is tough, there are highs and lows, but the highs make everything worthwhile, so keep going and believe in your ambitions and dreams.