A Smart Move!
4th October 2019
Regional digital hubs could generate over €300 million, create nearly 9,000 new jobs and support over 1,000 businesses, according to a new economic report commissioned by Vodafone Ireland and carried out by economist Jim Power.
The new report, Stimulating Regional Economic Growth – A Socio-Economic Analysis of Smart Working, assesses how smart working – flexible or remote working from home or a hub – can help rural communities thrive in a meaningful way. An analysis of job creation, talent migration, economic activity and outputs of the businesses that operate in six of Vodafone and SIRO’s digital hubs provides insight into the potential socio-economic benefits smart working practices could have, if replicated nationally in every county.
The six hubs included in the report employ 462 people, host 176 businesses, and contribute €27.3 million to the economy and €18.2 million in net wages earned.
Pictured at the launch of the report is Adrienne Harrington, CEO Ludgate, Skibbereen with Jim Power, economist and Regina Moran, Vodafone Ireland Business Director. (Photo credit: Andres Poveda). Visit here to find out more about Stimulating Regional Economic Growth – A Socio-Economic Analysis of Smart Working.