Network Ireland Cork & CIT
7th November 2018

Network Ireland Cork branch is delighted to partner with Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) for an exclusive Workshop Wednesday series on Wednesday, 7 November, in CIT. The workshops are part of Network Cork’s education initiative for 2018.
Speaking about the event, President, Karen Fleming said: “Upskilling and furthering your personal development is extremely important to remain agile in today’s working environment. The organisations we work with, in Network Cork, have emphasised the need for enhanced training to enable individuals and teams to meet new business challenges. It is vital that we continue to work with Educational Institutions in Cork such as CIT, a Network Ireland Cork member, to provide these resources that play a key role in employee development and innovation.”
There are nine workshops to choose from, which will cover varied aspects of business from LinkedIn training, by Louise Bunyan of Smartfox to financial planning training by Karen Goodliffe, Her Money and Elaine Wilson, Arachas. Jennifer Davies, CapturedHR will provide an overview of an efficient hiring process for SME’s and Kim O’Mahony of This is Ethos will deliver a workshop on insights, brand positioning and business strategy. Gillian McGrath of Change, Grow, Succeed will empower workshop attendees with insights into impact and influence.
CIT experts will also deliver workshops on the day. Dr. Helen McGuirk, of the Hicks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence will work with attendees who are considering the move to setting up their own business. Dr. David Goulding will introduce participants to the advanced use of Microsoft Excel, Donagh Davern will focus on the attraction and retention of the millennial generation in the workforce and the day will conclude with a tour of the Rubicon Centre, by Alison Walsh.
For more information, visit Network Ireland or book tickets on Eventbrite.
(Image: President of Network Cork Karen Fleming, Hayfield Manor Hotel, Dr Breda Kenny, Head of the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence, Karen Goodliffe, HerMoney, Louise Bunyan, Smart Fox, Elaine Wilson, Arachas, Gillian McGrath, Change Grow Succeed and Donagh Davern, CIT. Pic Darragh Kane)