Tap into Your Emotional Resource
6th February 2018
Transilient Coaching, a Cork based executive coaching company, has launched a new emotional intelligence training system and service called EQ.ie. Emotional intelligence is the untapped resource that Irish businesses need to get to grips with unlocking if they are to realise their full potential. This was the assertion made by Barbara Nugent, Director of EQ.ie, the new coaching tool aimed at enabling organisations throughout the country to delve into the more emotional side of the business.
Speaking at the launch of EQ.ie at Cork Airport Hotel, Ms Nugent who spent 20 years working as an accountant in executive finance positions in large multi-nationals, before specialising in coaching and business leadership training, said: “The ability to recognise and understand your emotions and the emotions of others is highly researched and proven to achieve remarkable performance results. These studies show that organisations implementing such programmes have reported significant uplift in revenue, increased customer satisfaction, higher employee engagement and retention and reduced burnout. Companies such as BskyB, Deloitte, Grant Thornton and Tesco all use EQ in their training programmes. Emotional Intelligence is a vital part of what makes people effective in life and in work and they are inextricably linked. Understanding how emotional intelligence skills bridges the gap between workplace challenges and the key goals of leaders and organisations is where the real power lies.”
Barbara went on to say: “65% of managers’ time is spent dealing with relational issues, with only 35% being technical. Many people don’t see the connection between the day-to-day issues they face at work and the use of EQ competencies. They often treat the outcomes rather than the underlying skill set. Stress and burnout are becoming all too common with stress causing 61% of employees to have poor concentration, 56% reduced job satisfaction and 44% less productivity (Mercer, 2017). Through the use of the “EQ skills wheel” as a new coaching tool, business leaders, in companies of all sizes, will be able to consider which behaviours and beliefs impact them and their teams in the performance of their roles. The new service will give organisations and the people within them a method of mapping real business issues with EQ skills and partnered with practical, tangible methodologies and coaching, leaders can build their EQ skills over time. It will also offer the ability to measure the levels of EQ within teams and organisations, and the impact on KPIs and business drivers.”
Engagement with an EQ.ie programme will enable business leaders to:
Lead more effectively – understand their role and impact as a leader.
Build collaborative relationships – which will enhance success.
Manage conflict and difficult emotions – give people the tools to confidently and assertively manage difficult situations towards positive outcomes.
Lead with confidence.
Create an environment of success – an environment of optimism and resilience generates a sense of possibilities and creativity.
Manage stress and build resilience – which in turn, assists teams and the wider organisation to be more stress and burn-out resistant.
You can get more information here>>