Karla Goodman, Made to Measure Films Ltd
14th March 2017

Every month we speak to women entrepreneurs who have just launched into the business world. In the hot seat for March’s Women Who Launch is Karla Goodman, Made to Measure Films Ltd
The Elevator Pitch
We use some of Ireland’s best award winning broadcast professionals to produce stunning videos, that are dynamic and work for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Our USP is trying to find the soul of the brands story and apply TV/film techniques rather than the traditional commercial approach.
The Financials
We financed the operations ourselves and it has grown organically.
Target Market
Our target audience is anyone from SME’s to huge corporates. We accommodate all budgets and requirements. On the one hand we are working on an evocative story driven piece for World Autism Month and on the other a larger corporate piece for giants Johnson and Johnson.
Brands You Love
Guinness adverts would be hugely inspirational, and I love the ethos of the likes of Toms and Innocence. Coming from a professional drama background I am excited by adverts with stories, its a sure fire way to get customers to invest emotionally in your brand.
Biggest ‘Win’ To Date
I suppose the biggest win is always your first, the feeling that your portfolio has reached someone and inspired them to pick up the phone and contact you is a certainly a very big thrill the first time.
Biggest ‘Slap in the Face’
Ad Astra ….. As a former actor and theatre director prior to moving in to TV production, I am used to plenty of slaps. As a young actress I decided to short-circuit the demoralising journey of inevitable audition rejection and set up my own company with four other actors. We rapidly became employers ourselves as well as winning awards for the theatre company. There is always a way around rejection, revive your self belief, know your worth and never take it personally.
There are many slaps along the way, that is the nature of any new business, but I think the saying goes, a day to lick your wounds than get your arse back in the saddle.
Are You Social When It Comes To Media?
Social media is hugely important as that is the business we are in – creating visually entertaining and touching stories for brands to drive awareness and sales to their business. So much of marketing is driven by social media, but the bottom line is you have to have something worthwhile to sell. I would add that anyone looking to use social media for their brand should use it wisely as sloppy social media i.e. poor photos or indeed videos just reflect badly on the business.
Business Model You Would Like To Emulate?
Last Christmas a little known Polish auction site Allegro out shone the likes of John Lewis etc with a beautifully poignant commercial about a grandad teaching himself English so he can speak to his little grand-daughter when he visits her for Christmas in the UK. This touches people on so many levels I wish I had made it. View here!
On Innovation
In our business we have to be constantly aware of new technology and innovation. Lateral thinking a precursor to innovation, should definitely be on the school curriculum. Sites like Inspiration Corner and Bored Panda are my fun guilty fb pleasure.
If You had a Blank Cheque
Ahh a blank cheque how lovely, move into larger office space, take on more staff and offer sponsorship to the charities/causes close to my heart, through generating powerful films.
Your Traits – Best and Worst
Best traits: passionate, perfectionist, and a good story teller.
Worst: perfectionist so I sometimes expect too much of others and myself!
Best Business Lunch Date
Umm, I would love to go on a business lunch date with George Clooney and Dawn French as their producer of a comedy feature film!
Ideal Business Partner
I would go into business with the Coen Brothers, I love their quirky eye and unusual story telling as well as their attention to detail. Wes Anderson would be another choice for his distinctive visual and narrative style.
Best Business Advice
Generate a good work life balance from the start, prioritise time out, as the work load when starting a business can crush your spirit even if you think you are enjoying yourself. Discipline and ying and yang.