Co-working Can Be Key To A Better Work-Life Balance
30th June 2016
Across the globe co-workers are seen as the most relaxed and balanced workers, finds latest research by Regus, the global workplace provider.
Over two thirds of businesses people globally report that co-workers have a better work-life balance and are therefore more able to juggle the competing demands of personal and work life. Even more of those surveyed in Ireland agreed with this (73%).
Greater freedom of location (82%) enables co-workers to be closer to where they need whether it’s the next business meeting or the gym, but respondents also report that the mixed and dynamic social environment is more pleasant than that found in regular offices.
Moreover, co-working plays an important role in improving the lot of home workers that can use it to combat loneliness (86%) and fight the couch potato lifestyle becoming healthier (54%).
Key findings
– More than half of Irish business people report that co-working reduces stress (52%);
– Greater choice of location along with a better social environment probably contribute to lowering stress levels in fact users of co-working spaces are seen to enjoy more diverse friendships and relations (72%);
– Irish professionals also think that compared to home-workers, co-workers also importantly enjoy better access to technology (77%);
– A more stable internet connection (70%) means another headache less for home workers that move to co-working.
Mark Dixon, CEO at Regus comments, “Co-working is growing massively in popularity and not only among cash-strapped start-up and sole traders. The corporate world is also increasingly moving towards more flexible working models and employee demand is certainly driving it in the direction of the more relaxed and collaborative atmosphere found in co-working spaces.
“Through co-working, staff are gaining a greater freedom of work location, which in turn helps reduce wasted travel and commute time, greatly improving the way they manage their work:life balance. But another important benefit of co-working spaces is socialisation: business people globally see co-working spaces as the ideal environments to mix with workers from different industries and types of firms. But regular home workers are the ones that have most to gain from of co-working as they are able access to better technology and get out of a lonely rut.”