RTÉ Names Múirne Laffan Chief Digital Officer

4th January 2016

Posted In: So In Demand
Múirne Laffan

Múirne Laffan has been named RTÉ’s Chief Digital Officer. This change in title from Managing Director of RTÉ Digital reflects RTÉ’s priority to further drive digital innovation across the entire organisation. 

As Chief Digital Officer, Múirne will continue to lead RTÉ’s digital division and be responsible for leading RTÉ’s overall digital strategy, while in addition to driving more collaboration and innovation across the organisation. She sits on RTÉ’s Executive Board and chairs RTÉ’s Digital Strategy Board. 

Múirne first joined RTÉ in 2001, as General Manager of RTÉ Commercial Enterprises and then as Executive Director of RTÉ Publishing. In 2011, she was appointed Managing Director of RTÉ’s newly formed digital division, responsible for the strategic development of a stable of industry-leading digital platforms and services such as RTÉ.ie, RTÉ Player, RTÉ News Now and GAAGO.

Prior to joining RTÉ, Múirne spent ten years in New York in senior executive roles with the advertising agency McCann Erickson Worldwide.