Win Win – How To Get A Winning Result By Derek Arden

22nd June 2015

Posted In: WMB Recommends
Win Win

Title: Win Win – How To Get A Winning Result From Persuasive Negotiations

Synopsis:  The psychology behind winning in negotiations is revealed in new accessible guide.

Author: Derek Arden

Published by: Pearson


We are all negotiators. It may be with colleagues and clients in business, with our partners or even with our children, but negotiation is one of the fundamental skills we all need every day in order to make things happen. For such an important skill, people actually focus surprisingly little time developing their ability to negotiate, but help is at hand from a new book, Win Win – How to get a winning result from persuasive negotiations, which combines hands-on experience and insights learned from some of the world’s greatest negotiation experts into one accessible guide.

The author, Derek Arden has been an expert international negotiator for over 25 years. His experience includes a role as Corporate Banking Director for Barclays, has negotiated deals totalling up to £5bn and has worked in advisory roles for organisations like Oxfam and Royal Bank of Scotland. However, first and foremost he is a passionate student of the psychology of negotiations and throughout his career has studied the world’s leading experts, applied their principals and combined their wisdom into his own simplified system which he now teaches around the world through his company The Negotiating Agency.

Win Win provides a jargon-free approach to the art and science of negotiation, presented in simple sections that are easy to read, digest and implement. The techniques are equally applicable to large deals and minor transactions, providing 11 practical steps that everybody needs in order to become a really excellent negotiator. The book then goes on to give actionable advice on how to negotiate in real life situations on the phone, by email and for international transactions, and even gives essential tips for negotiating a pay rise or securing a discount.

Win Win – How to get a winning result from persuasive negotiations by Derek Arden is due to be published in July 2015 by Pearson.