NWCI Launch Handbook
4th March 2015
The National Women’s Council of Ireland’s (NCWI) new handbook “Better Boards, Better Business, Better Society” was launched by Icelandic entrepreneur Halla Tomasdottir yesterday in Dublin’s Marker Hotel.
The handbook aims to increase the number of women on boards in Ireland today. Orla O’Connor, the Director of NWCI said: “Increased numbers of women in senior decision making and in paid employment is critical for women’s equality and for building a sustainable modern economy. The decisions that are made in Board rooms affect all aspects of our lives, excluding over half the population does not lead to effective and productive solutions.”
Also speaking at the event was Jane Williams, Managing Director at The Sia Group Limited, Partner at Better Boards and Chairwoman at Pensions Authority of Ireland; and Francis Jacobs from the European Parliament office in Dublin. The European Parliament co-hosted the event.