Jennifer Hourihane, Oathello

6th April 2017

Posted In: Women Who Launch

Every month we speak to women entrepreneurs who have just launched into the business world. In the hot seat for April’s Women Who Launch is Jennifer Hourihane, Oathello.

The Elevator Pitch

Oathello connects nearby and available solicitors and notaries mobile-first to find, book, and pay for witnessing and notary services on demand.

We are based at NDRC in the Digital Exchange here in Dublin which has provided the perfect base to launch the platform to the Dublin market, and expand into the UK later this year.

The Financials

To date, the business has been financed by equity investment from Enterprise Ireland, NDRC and my own investment in the business.

Target Market

Oathello connects nearby and available solicitors and notaries to find, book, and pay for witnessing and notary services in minutes, simplifying an everyday legal task. We are building a mobile network of legal professionals to make law faster and more connected so they can focus on the work that matters.

Brands You Love

I love Hailo (now MyTaxi) for the sheer efficiency and addictiveness of the service. Stripe is a favorite for the simplicity of what they do. And Snapchat because it’s so much fun – I love how such a basic concept has taken on mass appeal.

Biggest ‘Win’ To Date

There have been a few since founding the business last year. Reaching the top 10 of +500 companies to secure a place on Enterprise Ireland’s Female Founder programme in conjunction with NDRC, and reaching the Final of this year’s AIB Start Up Academy have brought invaluable expertise and exposure to the business. The greatest win of all will be seeing the first transaction run through our platform when we launch.

Biggest ‘Slap In The Face’

I recently presented Oathello to a law firm where I had no clue how to use their uber-advanced presentation software. Coming in to talk about all things technology, I wasn’t expecting a master class in it! It’s great to see so many legal firms ahead of the curve and embracing technology.

Are You Social When It Comes To Media?

LinkedIn is the perfect platform to harness the network effect at play with Oathello and it is a real favorite among legal professionals.

With 1.79 billion monthly active users, the power of Facebook cannot be ignored – we are currently building a marketing strategy to get the best out of it.

Business Model You Would Like to Emulate?

Hailo (now rebranded to MyTaxi) is a great example of how the mechanics of a regulated industry were transformed and improved from an operations and efficiency perspective.

On Innovation

Time is precious, and technology helps me spend it wisely. In work, we use tools to improve communication and reduce the margin for error on key tasks through platforms like Trello and Slack. On a personal level, I love the fact that I can carry around a window to the world (my trusted rose gold MacBook) every day and it weighs less than my handbag!

If You Had A Blank Cheque

  1. Give a home to every homeless person I could reach
  2. Put a roof over my own head – renting is over-rated! and
  3. Make sure I got enough sun!

Best Business Lunch Date

Michelle Mone OBE

Ideal Business Partner

Michael O’ Leary for the perfect balance between vision and common sense.

Best Business Advice

Seek, listen to, and act on good advice.

When I started out there were so many experienced people in the startup community willing to help and offer their time and guidance when I had nothing to offer in return. This has been invaluable at the beginning of the journey.